Photo documentation of collection at university. Illegal storage solution, attempt one. 2018.

Photo documentation of collection at university. 2018.

Photo documentation of collection at university. Arranging the parts. 2018.

I have had trouble finding an appropriate storage solution for the objects I've gathered. Initially I did not ask for permission and attempted to hide the objects in the woodland area. But a complaint was made and my objects got put in a skip. Luckily I salvaged them just in time. After some negotiation ground staff gave me permission to store the objects on site.
Photo documentation of collection at university. Storing the collection with permission. 2018.

Photo documentation of collection at university. Preparing to build. 2018
Photo documentation of collection at university. Fence detail. 2018

Photo documentation of collection at university. Preparing to build. 2018

Photo documentation of collection at university. Preparing to build. 2018
I began working on my project; A place to rest and needed to use the materials I had gathered for the build. I decided to start the project outside because of the size of the sculpture. I completed a health and safety assessment and erected a low fence. The objects I collect often get taken without my consent which I accept as part of the process. But for this project I would need specific objects so I created signs which asked other students to not remove objects or enter the space.
The fence I created would not physically stop others from entering the space as it was very low and fragile. Never-the-less it marked a clear boundary between what constituted as 'a private working space' and 'public space'. I hadn't asked for permission to take ownership of the space, I just erected a fence that said so and therefore on some level created it.
Later on in the project I needed to move inside to use the woodwork studio and have access to electrical equipment but I wasn't allowed to use the studio because the wood was reclaimed and therefore too hazardous.
If I had chosen to conform and consume new products I would have been given access to the work-space.
'A site of resistance. A camp has been built. An architectural jamboree of wooden crates, hay bales and branches built by an itinerant band of ‘earth protectors’, forest outlaws using the legal framework of Section 6 Criminal Law Act to call the fort their home.' - https://www.ackroydandharvey.com
What I find most interesting is the way in which the protesters navigated the governing system of Law to find the space – legally, to create this structure, which they then inhabited and lived within.

Googled sourced images of a resistance site. Leith Hill, Surrey.