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Photo documentation. Building, A place to rest. 2018. 


Photo documentation. Building, A place to rest. 2018. 

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Its year two at university. I decide I want to use some of the objects I've collected to create a sculptural piece. 

I begin by moving around the objects into temporary arrangements. Then I would make sketches of the arrangements.

The concept of a hangman's gallows begins to form. 

At the time I felt severely depressed, yet I didn't notice the very obvious correlation. Depression makes my thinking fuzzy.

Constructing the frame in the studio at university 2018

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1. Pink sofa base:

I’m washing the dishes and I look out of the kitchen window. Near the entrance to the walkway and next to the dustbins a small mound of pink, La–Z-Boy armchairs has formed. Isla helps me to retrieve a base.  

People often throw out household furniture.

2. Wooden panels upon which sits the pink sofa:

Walking home I noticed an elderly neighbour breaking down panels, perhaps they were part of a wardrobe or cabinet, it looked as though he was preparing to throw the wood away. I asked him. We ended up chatting. He offered to give me the wood and helped me to take it home.

As part of the experimental installation of a Place to rest, I removed the mattress and installed two chairs facing one another

Prior to creating the gallows piece I had been sketching ideas related to the idea of 'A place to rest'. I often daydreamed about a space a could enter that was womb-like. I unfortunately struggled with sucidal ideation during 2019 and I think these sketches were an extension of my desire at the time. I wanted to crawl into a private dark space and disengage with the world around me.

Sketching - manifesting #sketch #idea #space #comfort #structure #support #nothing #time #

A sketch of a womb-like space 2019

Sketchbook #contemporaryart #plans #sket

A womb-like space 2019

Legs #drawing #sketchbook #development #art #idea #spider #contemporaryart #structure #hol
Street settlement 2 #greenpark #life #se
Street settlement #photograph #ongoing #

Photo documentation of homeless settlement. Tent in snow, Canterbury, 2018. 

I am interested in our psychological relationship to settlement and home.

On my walks I often come across people living without a home and in precarious situations. 

Photo documentation of homeless settlement's. Image 1 and 2. London, 2018. 

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